//wood, MDF, aluminum, varnish, fan, inkjet and laser prints on paper, 2023//
What images and compositions emerge in public spaces? How do their various supports and displays appear? What is depicted, represented, or reflected? While certain aspects certainly remain concealed, could there be something that becomes visible through the covering gestures, foils and filters? What is given a stage by these?
Accompanied by an artist book: As if Twentyfour Sheets, the exhibition “Backdrops: Chiaroscuro” is centered around these questions. Structures were replicated, motifs repeated, detached from their original urban contexts, and intricately pieced together within a Type K600 kiosk space. This space, functioning as a vitrine in the public sphere, showcased these elements, joining and setting them into motion in a different choreography.
The aim of this work was to make certain common image situations and constellations of public spaces visible, that otherwise don’t get attention. At the same time, the goal was to highlight the kiosk as a sculptural object.
Installation view: Backdrops. Chiaroscuro, Kunst- und Projektraum Kiosk am Reileck, Halle (Saale) 2023