//MDF, steel, acrylic, varnish, spraypaint, woven and printed rugs, found objects, soft sculptures, inkjet prints, 2018-2019//
Named after the title of a home decorating magazine, Ideal Home is based on forms found in classical decoration and reflects on how these forms are revived and disseminated today. Consisting of empty frames and plinths, classical decoration operates through modes of display that open out to virtual spaces and create the illusion of accessibility. Ideal Home takes as its point of departure the game of offering up spaces and then withdrawing them. The work thereby draws attention to overlaps between symbolically charged and coded power dynamics in classical decoration and all-pervasive advertisements of real estate and home deco. Here, over-formation, precariousness, control, in/hospitability, and dis/ comfort collide. At the intersection of these elements, a line of questioning is opened.
Installation view: C/O - in other people’s hand. Affective infrastructures and working interiors. Galerie im Saalbau, 2022
Photos: Kim Bode, Anna Mészáros, Nihad Nino Pusia