A SEQUENCE (Mistranslations)
//screen prints on paper & textiles, 2017//
“A Sequence is a series of silkscreen prints of images performed by computer screen errors or graphic card problems. The prints are screen printed interpretations of photos, found on the internet, taken mostly with smartphone cameras of screens, which failed to work “properly”. In this context it means that they show other (more or less random) images than the expected one.
Functionality stops. Annoying – most of the times.
Caused by a failure of a screen or a graphic card, the interpretation of the original sign becomes (to a varying degree) disturbed. An error occurs, which generates an image. This image gets photographed (usually in very low quality, moreover in an impossible photographic situation: a light source is aimed to be captured). During the printing process the images are highly enlarged and materialized on paper and on fabric. Along the way the “noise” increases at every turn. The prints are the results of this series of misinterpretation, revealing these images taken out of their original context (that is in most of the cases an online forum on the internet for repairing computers, in which as images they remain disregarded).
These “erroneous” images are appealing, due to the certain beauty stemming from their strangeness, mysteriousity, the fact that they resist any more complex reading or classification and because they create a platform around themselves for conversations.”